Northwestern University
2016 — 2020
Kellogg School of Management
2018 — 2020
Graduate-level coursework:
- Principles of Finance (KELLG_FE 310-0)
- Investmeents (KELLG_FE 312-0lk)
- Derivative Modeling (KELLG_FE 3014-0)
- Derivatives Markets (FINC-465-0)
- Advanced Econometrics I (ECON 381-1)
- Advanced Econometrics II (ECON 381-2)
Undergraduate technical coursework:
- Real Analysis (Math 320-1)
- Probability Theory (Stat 310)
- Stochastic Processes (Math 310-2)
- Continuous Time Markov Chains (Math 310-3)
- Research in Combinatorics (Math 399)
- Regression Analysis (Stat 350)
Professional Experience
Researcher at DeZIM Institute
September 2021 – Current • Berlin, Germany
- Programmed an agent-based model to simulate the effects of EU policy changes on high-skilled labor migration to Germany in Julia, from scratch
- Selected for Migration Politics’ fellowship to publish an ‘agenda setting paper’ on the need to rethink statistical inference in migration studies
- Applied Markov chain analysis to examine the impact of exogenous shocks on Syrian refugees’ migration trajectories, mapping how political and military events shape path dependency in migration routes
- Developed Bayesian network to estimate causal impact of bureaucratic experiences on the decision to pursue naturalization among immigrants
Fulbright Research Fellow at U.S. State Department
September 2022 – July 2022 • Berlin, Germany
- Awarded Fulbright grant to conduct research on the determinants of citizenship acquisition for refugees and develop a theoretical model for decision-making processes
- Interviewed 30 Syrian and Iraqi refugees in Arabic/German to assess how lived experiences affect citizenship aspirations
- Delivered keynote and addressed Berlin media on changes to recent citizenship laws in a discussion with the managing director of Germany’s expert council on Integration and Migration
Software Engineer at McMaster-Carr
September 2020 – September 2021 • Chicago, IL
- Programmed credit card processing flow to automate ~8000 monthly declines, improving response times and saving 120 hours of manual labor each week
- Developed and updated back-end infrastructure, replacing outdated order scheduling software to enable the processing of 70,000 daily orders and allow for future self-service features for customers
Campus CEO at BrewBike
September 2017 – June 2020 • Chicago, IL
- Mananged a group of student-run coffee shops with 40 undergraduate employees and $120,000+ in annual revenue